Topics already covered by Dr Rajat Chauhan in Mint newspaper, other media or blog on Sports & General Fitness.

Is Cardio workout bad for you (for weight loss or otherwise)?

A friend of mine shared an article that spoke about How dangerous traditional cardio workout is for weight loss program.

Chasing away colds
MON, JAN 31 2011. 10 46 PM IST

Chasing away colds

During winter, most people avoid exercising because they feel it is too cold to be outdoors and if they exercise, they will have a sore throat, catch a cold (congestion or runny nose) or develop a cough. All these are symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection (URTI). 

MON, DEC 07 2009. 10 23 PM IST

Running into the flu

Respiratory viral infections, ranging from the common cold to the more serious flu (influenza), are very common in the cooler months, beginning in October and peaking in December-January. This is an annual trend, but the emergence of the swine flu has made it a bigger cause for concern.

Exercise hurts...much later!
MON, APR 26 2010. 08 37 PM IST

Exercise hurts...much later!

I got a frantic call from one of my high-flying patients, who I thought was doing very well with his back pain. It wasn’t about him, though, but his 27-year-old investment banker brother, Vikram, who had recently acquired a new girlfriend.

Are you fit enough to be sporty?
MON, APR 16 2012. 09 17 PM IST

Are you fit enough to be sporty?

I find it disappointing to tell clients or patients who have been sporty for the last 20 years or so that the guy sitting on the couch is actually healthier and injury-free. Why?

MON, MAY 31 2010. 08 30 PM IST

Are you fit enough to play?

Most people use sports to get fit. But the question is, are they fit enough to play their chosen sport? Or are they exposing themselves to injuries, which they could have avoided by just being their sloppy selves rather than putting themselves through ambitious paces at the gym and on the field? Are they underperforming in spite of all the hard work and effort being put in?

MON, JUN 14 2010. 10 05 PM IST

Treadmill | Fitting fitness to your sport

In the last column I spoke about being fit to play a sport, rather than trying to get fit through your chosen sport. So what does “being fit” mean?

In pursuit of wellness
MON, MAR 26 2012. 08 01 PM IST

In pursuit of wellness

I happened to be at a wedding where the gentleman next to me commented on the size of the sofa assigned for the soon-to-be-wed couple. “What if the couple is healthy? Then how will they fit in that small sofa?” he wondered.

It’s all in the mind
MON, NOV 14 2011. 10 12 PM IST

It’s all in the mind

While doing high-intensity aerobic exercises, do we really know what our physical limits are? Do we stop or quit way too soon? Is this applicable for every person who goes out there to exercise but is in the habit of quitting early just because he or she believes that their body is capable of much less than it actually is?

Fat-to-fit needs serious work
MON, OCT 03 2011. 10 57 PM IST

Fat-to-fit needs serious work

The wealth of a nation should be measured by the health and fitness of its population (youngsters), not by pieces of gold and silver”, a statement inspired by Mahatma Gandhi, is something we all need to accept, adopt and start working on.

Don’t just lose weight, get fitter
MON, NOV 29 2010. 09 16 PM IST

Don’t just lose weight, get fitter

It’s not how you “look”, but how you “feel” that really matters. I know that I will not make a lot of friends for the above statement, as there are more than a few industries whose business model is based on getting your weight down, either by hook or crook, whether you need to or not. Vanity helps run a lot of industries, and they do very well.

Walk of life
MON, SEP 12 2011. 08 38 PM IST

Walk of life

Physically, our bodies are capable of taking a lot more than our top doctors and scientists seem to indicate. Anti-graft activist Anna Hazare proved it when he fasted for 288 hours. He did lose 7.5kg, but was in fitter physical condition than doctors thought he should have been after putting his body through that ordeal.

Stay in motion
MON, JUN 20 2011. 08 11 PM IST

Stay in motion

Conventional wisdom has it that people who spend a lot of time lazing around are just physically inactive. Studies have supported this line of thinking, and usually the main culprit is said to be the idiot box or its first cousin, the computer. But is that correct?

The middle path
MON, MAR 21 2011. 08 40 PM IST

The middle path

It was almost 2,500 years ago that Gautam Buddha spoke about the “middle path” in the very first teaching that he delivered after enlightenment. Roughly 200 years later, Aristotle spoke of the “golden mean” as the desirable middle between two extremes, one of excess and the other of deficiency.

Pushing the comfort zone
MON, APR 18 2011. 09 48 PM IST

Pushing the comfort zone

To be able to keep your body active, one set routine over a prolonged period is just not enough. Arthur Newton, a legendary long-distance runner, felt very strongly about this: “You never stay put at any stage; either you advance or slip back.”

Only the fit can help the planet
MON, MAR 07 2011. 08 28 PM IST

Only the fit can help the planet

George Carlin, a stand-up comedian, had put it really well: “Save the planet! We don’t even know how to take care of ourselves yet. We haven’t learnt how to care for one another, we’re gonna save the f****** planet?” We seem to live in denial. 

MON, AUG 30 2010. 08 46 PM IST

Running in the city

The Commonwealth Games (CWG) could have been used as a platform to change the sporting culture not only of Delhi, but of India. But we have wasted this opportunity and reduced the event to a blame game. As a country we should focus on spreading a culture of fitness and sports, instead of just hoping for a medal at the Olympics. 

MON, OCT 20 2008. 10 27 PM IST

Choosing a gym

Gyms of all kinds are mushrooming, but most of us don’t know how to tell them apart. To make matters worse, all gyms look very similar to untrained eyes. A few factors to keep in mind before you sign up...

MON, DEC 29 2008. 07 33 PM IST

How to get that six-pack, safely

The six-pack has long been desirable. Of late, it has become almost a must-have fashion accessory. But did you know getting one could get you hurt?

THU, DEC 31 2009. 04 43 PM IST

Stretching the limits of fitness

Among those who exercise, there are several misconceptions about stretching in general, and more so about its usefulness prior to playing any sport. Recent studies suggest that stretching before or after exercise does not prevent muscle soreness or muscle injury....

MON, MAR 15 2010. 10 08 PM IST

Right music pumps up your workout

It’s a common sight—people exercising with earphones, listening to music on their iPods, MP3s or other personal music devices. Purists might not approve or like it, but there is no ignoring the fact that the music industry is targeting the active crowd in a very aggressive manner.

The ultimate game
MON, OCT 25 2010. 08 51 PM IST

The ultimate game

Is there a sport that is fast-paced—where defence can turn into offence in the blink of an eye, that knocks off the biases of age and gender, so all players are literally on a level playing field—and is easy to play? A game which challenges the physical limits of players on various fronts, teaches you far more about life than just winning, and like most team sports should, lets you make lots of new friends?

Try the climb up to fitness
MON, SEP 27 2010. 08 23 PM IST

Try the climb up to fitness

When one thinks of rock climbing, the first image that comes to mind is that of Tom Cruise hanging off a cliff without any ropes, in the middle of nowhere, in the opening scene of a very appropriately named movie, Mission Impossible. Rock climbing is anything but that.

MON, JUL 05 2010. 08 10 PM IST

The sporty eye

When our eyes initiate almost 80% of all our physical actions, how can we afford to ignore them when we play sports? Uncorrected visual problems can have a dramatic effect on sporting ability, not just in terms of focusing but also balance, timing, glare recovery, fatigue and colour perception.

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