Friday, November 23, 2012

Early death link to muscle power - BBC

How muscular you are as a teenager may predict how long you might live, at least if you are a man, findings suggest.

Experts stress the findings do not mean muscle building makes you live longer.
The effect of poor muscular fitness in those tracked was similar to well established risk factors for early death, such as obesity and high blood pressure.

For full article, Click here 

The challenge of medical empowerment

"Rather than just reform healthcare, efforts should be made to help people maintain or regain their own health"

The title of this post was also the title of the piece done by someone else today in Mint newspaper. I was so excited to see someone else talk in my tone that I just needed to steal the title.

To read the full story, click here

Below is my response which never made it to the newspaper.

I just read your brilliant piece in Mint Newspaper titled 'The challenge of medical empowerment'. Thanks a million miles for an amazing piece, questioning the whole healthcare industry in a very sutle manner.

Health First, Medals Later

There is a lot more to playing sports than simply winning
Recently, a father came to me with his eight-year-old son. He wanted his child to become a future world champion in badminton. He wanted me to assess and then address his son’s physical fitness, which he felt was lacking. I was given 18 months to raise the child’s fitness level to international standards. I loved the challenge because I thought I had full parental support and we were on the same page.

To read more, check the story here ...