Sunday, January 22, 2012

Old story, new cover

Just read their (Vardan) website, they have created new words for therapy and treatments that already exist. They also base their physical therapy protocol upon fundamentally flawed 'functional training'. Just trying to blind all with razzle dazzle.

Functional Manual Therapy = osteopathy, physio or a combination massage methodologies.

Functional Mobilization™ (FM) and Soft Tissue Mobilization = see above

Automatic Core Engagement (ACE) = automatic and exists within patients with back pain regardless of training. Main issue is a delay in recruitment that functional training struggles to affect

Functional Tests = the body will always get better when practicing a skill so testing for a movement you're practicing is always going to show improvement - catch is you need to practice every movement possible (infinite)

- By Kieran Lowe, London
Osteopath & Sports Rehab

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Testimonial: Severe Knee Pain to running 111km

Percy Fernandez:

I remember the evening I couldn't walk as I stepped outside the Metro. The pain was excruciating on my right knee as I simply couldn't walk. Thankfully, Rajat was with me as we were going into a meeting. And here I am, after a year. Stronger and wiser.

Thanks to them, I managed to run 111km on 11.11.11.

I love Rajat's approach to wellness. Holistic, I would say for want of a better word. Perhaps that's because he is a runner. His team is an illusion of magicians. They are professional to their marrow. They engage you. They can talk. And ofcourse, walk the talk. Most importantly, they are bunch of young, charming and vivacious boys and girls who add to that magical touch. Keep it up and keep up the good work.