

Back 2 Fitness is meant to be more of a move-mint (yes, a movement to get people to 'move' with a bit of minty flavour, which involves people from all walks of life) that was conceptualised 8 years ago and has been in existence for last 4 years. 

It's more of demand by the society, which like almost all things, they don't appreciate yet. Today's lifestyle has made us all lose our optimum health, which almost all of us were born with. But then in today's rat race, we have managed to lose it all. 

There also is a massive vacuum between 'healthcare' and 'fitness' industry that Back 2 Fitness addresses.

In it's clinical avataar, it is a chain of clinics that focus on getting people back to fitness and helping them to perform at their optimum levels, that could mean helping get people out of pain (back, neck, knee, shoulder, RSI etc) or make them fitter if they don't yet have these issues but could in the near future because of sedentary lifestyle. It also helps sportspeople with performance enhancement and injury prevention.

We sincerely believe that people who have made the conscious decision to get better and / or perform to their optimum level, half the job is done right there. Same is the case with you. Congratulations for making the correct decision of deciding to take a more pro-active role compared to what others suggest. There are no short cuts.

For this reason, even our website is designed differently.

We keep posting regularly on our blogs page about news from throughout the world, which you'll think is against conventional wisdom. Along with that, our other pages highlight what we are all about.   


  1. B2F helped me get back running after a chronic achilles tendon injury - big thanks to Rajat and Vish...hope to run the Mumbai marathon in Jan 2-13

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  4. B2F team worked for me when every one else was giving up..Thank you guys...
